After you’ve evaluated your face shape, and frame size and handpicked your frame style, it comes down to the lenses, which cover the technical side of eyeglasses. It is true and inevitable that all patients are prescribed according to their vision requirements. T
There are multiple ways to hit a sweet spot when it comes to eyeglasses measurement & size, however, for lenses, the more we read, the more enlightened we become regarding their pros and cons for our eyewear.
With a handful of breakthroughs in the eyewear industry, we can easily get three types of lenses that do well in their domain.
We can wear distance, reading, bifocal and progressive lenses with each having its own expertise in improving sight. However, in comparison with the first mentions, the progressive lenses, or no-bifocal lenses, are more powerful with prowess for three-way vision.
Statistically, this lens type is mainly for adults, however, it is sold more than any other lens type the world has in the eyewear domain. Be it standard or reading progressives, the idea is to use lenses that assist in near and farsightedness without frame switching. Read the full guide to buying the best progressive eyeglasses.

What To Get: Computer, Wider Corridor, or Standard Progressive Lenses?
It happens with patients using bifocal lenses, when they’re looking for a leap ahead and grapple with a lens that is more powerful, accurate, and induces three-way vision. The most convincing reason for buying progressive eyeglasses is that it overwhelms other lens options for us.
However, even in progressive lenses, there are certain types that greatly alter your vision: be it wider corridor, computer progressive, or standard progressive lenses. Explore what to install in progressive eyeglasses.
- Standard Progressive Lenses:
It is an elusive myth that standard progressive lenses push glass wearers into a budget constraint. In the nutshell, such lenses are affordable with fine vision quality. However, fitting is essential in achieving the mentioned sight results.
The eyewear experts recommend choosing progressive-friendly frames and the easiest way to acknowledge it for standards is the lens height. Ensure that it is 30mm or more to enable the induction of standard progressive lenses with smooth vision transition in your eyeglasses.
- Computer Progressive Lenses:
This is a precise invention driven by progressive lenses. Computer progressives or office lenses are workplace lenses that help computer users in maintaining clear vision at 16 inches. This type of lens is implied on prescriptions with intermediate and near distances.
For example, computer progressives are doctors, artists, architects, dentists, and librarians. With computer progressive lenses, you can easily go for candid head positioning that benefits people with 4-5 hours of computer usage.
- Wider Corridor Progressive Lenses:
This is the clearest and the most advanced version of progressive lenses. In accordance with optical standards, wider-corridor progressives infuse the most exclusive lens technology that batters presbyopia and has the widest viewing area to peek in from. Furthermore, such lenses are applicable with glasses that exhibit a 34mm lens height.

Take help from this chart and measure your frame for standard, computer, and wider-corridor progressive lenses
The Advantages of Buying Progressive Eyeglasses:
After exploring the types of progressive lenses, let’s delve deep into the surefire advantages of buying progressive eyeglasses.
The longest leap of benefit with progressive eyeglasses is their gradual way of switching vision which other lenses do not exhibit. It’s relatively easy to get used to such lenses as their main objective is to provide a natural transition of vision. This also outdoes the functions of bifocal lenses as its immediate jump causes trouble for new users.
Instead of using multiple eyeglasses with variance in prescription, the progressive eyeglasses enable full customization of a single prescription. From therein, the vision is assorted into numerous values and becomes a source of sight in many scenarios.
Unfortunately, we’re liable to suffer from presbyopia, which is the cause and effect of aging beyond the ’40s and ’50s. It comes without a doubt that such an optical calamity is empowered by using line bifocals and the vision may get worse with time. However, progressive eyeglasses cure and replace the grass root problem with a smooth visual transition.
Unlike bifocal lenses, progressive eyeglasses consist of three-way vision which includes Distance, Intermediate, and Near sight.